Delivering employment land still key priority in south Warwickshire, business event hears

The importance of bringing employment land forward in south Warwickshire and making it a viable place for people to both live and work was the main topic of discussion at a major business meeting in the region.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce’s South Warwickshire Local Business Forum took place at Alscot Park – part of the Alscot Estate in Atherstone-on-Stour - where members heard from key speakers and engaged in a roundtable discussion around the issues facing them.

Larry Coltman, chair of the Forum, led off proceedings by explaining that it is currently difficult for people to both live and work in Stratford District due to the high value of property and the lack of high-paying jobs needed to allow people to afford to live there.

However, he also said the area was ahead of others in Warwickshire in terms of solving this problem.

Jonathan Thompson, Coventry & Warwickshire chamber of Commerce Ambassador, then told attendees about how Alscot Estate, especially at Atherstone Airfield, is contributing to the solution.

He said: “The Estate has been leading the way in providing employment land, with a large allocation included in Stratford District Council’s Local Plan.

“We are aiming to bring forward the first planning application for development in the near future, and also have planning permission for a 26 MW solar array which is expected to be fully operational by mid-2025. This will help provide clean energy for the new developments on the site.”

Cllr George Cowcher of Stratford District Council then went on to explain how rising costs, labour retention, and congestion were the main issues facing businesses within the district.

He added: “We’re keen to see that our Local Plan is balanced by the needs of residents and businesses within the district, and the desires of developers.

“The allocation at Atherstone Airfield, alongside an increase in housebuilding in other parts of the district, should allow significantly more highly paid jobs to come to south Warwickshire, attracting more people to the area and keeping them here.”

Sean Rose, Head of Policy at Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, added: “The need for employment land not only in south Warwickshire, but the wider region, has been extensively detailed in our Employment Land Report released in 2023.

“The Alscot Estate is a perfect example of a private business working in tandem with the local authority to bring forward much-needed employment land, increasing the viability of the region as a place to do business and where workers can live.

“We are looking forward to continuing to assist both the private and public sector in allocating and delivering these sites which are so vital for the economic prosperity of Coventry and Warwickshire.”